General Informations

NomuPay has been developed in a service-oriented architecture that does not hold session information, addressing all merchants who want to accept payments on web and mobile devices in line with world standards by providing mobile payment, virtual POS, and marketplace solutions. With this guide you can quickly integrate into services, examine sample projects developed in different languages, and easily connect to API services using prebuilt libraries.


You can integrate quickly into NomuPay services with sending data in XML format and receiving XML responses to service responses, and follow your transactions easily from the NomuPay panel.

Our services work in two different structures based on XML;

* SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) - Based XML Services
* RESTful (Representational State Transfer) - Based XML Services

In these two structures which are basically not very different from each other, there is a benefit in the SOAP structure, in managed languages (.Net, JAVA vs.), to use the service by adding reference directly and to use without writting entity.

With this guide, you can easily apply the integration steps in the software language of your choice. You can see the corresponding code blocks in the document as well as access sample projects via NomuPay Github account easily. You can customize these structures by taking a direct reference to your project.

Test and Prod Transition Processes, Points To Be Considered

  • The maximum time for all operations in the NomuPay system is 5 minutes. Unfinished transactions are canceled during this period.
  • You can use our test cards and our data at all your test periods. Test all situations with this data.
  • Make sure that the wrong constant data is not sent in the production environment. Check the data on the transactions you have sent.
  • After scenario selection, to able to process payment according to the scenario, you have to be notified us of selection at Otherwise, you may encounter errors in the process results.
  • Edit and test your code so that it will know all the errors returned by NomuPay services and show the customer proper respond accordingly. Our error messages are generally user friendly.
  • The merchant is defined by the test status in the NomuPay system until the integration is complete. In this status only 0.01 TL transaction can be done. Real fees will be used, after the integration is completed and approval from the operators.
  • After passing to Prod environment, test with your own mobile phone or credit card and view your results in a customized panel. Make sure that the results and transactions are completed correctly.
  • Except for sensitive data (credit card data etc.), be careful to log (report) data and service requests and responses, in terms of error resolution and help in resolving potential problems.

API Endpoint Addresses

Servis Endpoint Addresses
Service Name Service Type Address
SMS Payment Services SOAP
SMS Subscription Services SOAP
Information SMS Services SOAP
Credi Card Payment Services REST
Marketplace Payment Services REST