Subscription Management Services

It is an integration services that provide list, details and deactivate transactions existing payment subscriptions in the system.

Subscription Operations Integration as a SOAP service, the methods of the web service at can be used. These methods and their functions are as follows.
  • SelectSubscriber: Subscriber List
  • SelectSubscriberDetail: Subscriber Detail
  • DeactivateSubscriber : Subscriber Deactivate

Subscription List

Subscriber of merchant can list via "SelectSubscriber" method. It can be filtered by the parameters of the metod. If the value of a parameter is sent empty, that parameter criterion will be ignored.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Description

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.


    Input Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    UserCode String

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay.

    Pin String

    Pin value is set by NomuPay

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    ProductId Int

    It shows which product make subscription. A value of '0' shows no subscription via a specific product.

    GSM String

    It shows which gsm number make subscription. Should be in 5XXXXXXXXX format.

    OrderChannelId Int

    Shows the sales channel which the subscription was made;
    ‘100’ Pro API
    ‘101’ Basic API
    ‘102’ SMS
    ‘103’ Direct API
    ‘104’ API Plus

    Active Int

    Shows the active / passive information of the subscription;
    ‘1’ Active
    ‘0’ Passive
    ‘-1’ All

    SubscriberType Int

    Shows Subscriber Type;
    ‘2’ Monthly Subscription
    ‘3’ Weekly Subscription

    StartDateMin DateTime

    Shows subscription start date. (lower limit)

    StartDateMax DateTime

    Shows subscription start date.(upper limit)

    LastSuccessfulPaymentDateMin DateTime

    Shows the last successful payment date for the subscription.(lower limit)

    LastSuccessfulPaymentDateMax DateTime

    Shows the last successful payment date for the subscription.(upper limit)

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Decription
    StatusCode Int

    Result Code

    ErrorCode String

    Error Code

    ErrorMessage String

    Error Code description

    Subscribers List

    Returning subscription records according to criteria. There is a "Subscriber" member in this List. The details of the "Subscriber" element are described in the following internal table parameters.

  • Subscriber Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Decription
    SubscriberId Guid

    Subscriber Id

    GSM String

    Subscriber GSM

    StartDate Datetime

    Subscription start date

    SubscriberTypeId Int

    Subscriber Type

    PaymentCategoryId Int

    Subscription Category

    • '1' Physical Product
    • '2' Game
    • '3' Digital Content
    • '4' Service
    • '5' Social Network / Friendship
    • '6' Dues / Automat
    • '7' Bet
    • '8' Insurance
    • '10' Public - Ticket - Fastfood
    • '11' Pocket Insurance
    • '12' Box Game
    • '14' Mobile Application / Mobile Market
    • '15' Education
    • '16' Donation (only Turkcell subscriptions can make donation payments)
    • '19' Health
    • '20' White Label Adult

    BasePrice Double

    Subscription price

    BaseUnitPrice Double

    Shows credit amount

    ProductId Int

    Product Id of subscription.

    ProductName String

    Product name of subscription.

    OrderChannelId Int

    Shows the sales channel which the subscription was made.

    Active bool

    Subscription Activity Status
    "True": Active
    "False": Passive

    LastSuccessfulPaymentDate Datetime

    The last successful payment date of subscription.

    GsmOperator Int

    The operator to which the subscriber's number belongs;
    1: Turkcell
    3: Avea
    7: Vodafone

Subscriber Detail

Subscriber's detail gets with using "SelectSubscriberDetail". The subscriber ID must be known for use. You can get required ID with SelectSubscriber method.
The following parameters are sent in the XML format to the "SelectSubscriberDetail" method for querying.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    Token Token Class

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    SubscriberId Guid

    Subscriber Id

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    UserCode String

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay.

    Pin String

    Pin value is set by NomuPay.

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode Int

    Result Code

    ErrorCode String

    Error Code

    ErrorMessage String

    Error Code Description

    Subscribers List

    Subscriber records according to criteria. There is a "Subscriber" member in this List. The details of the "Subscriber" element are described in the following internal table parameters.

  • Subscriber Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Decription
    SubscriberId Guid

    Subscriber Id

    GSM String

    Subscriber GSM number

    StartDate Datetime

    Subscription start date

    SubscriberTypeId Int

    Subscriber Type

    PaymentCategoryId Int

    Subscription Category

    BasePrice Double

    Subscription Price

    BaseUnitPrice Double

    Shows credit amount

    ProductId Int

    Product Id of subscription.

    ProductName String

    Product name of subscription.

    OrderChannelId Int

    Shows the sales channel which the subscription was made;

    Active bool

    Subscription Activity Status
    "True": Active
    "False": Passive

    LastSuccessfulPaymentDate Datetime

    The last successful payment date of subscription.

    GsmOperator Int

    The operator to which the subscriber's number belongs;
    1: Turkcell
    3: Avea
    7: Vodafone

    Payments -

    Payment records of subcriber
    Payment Informations are described in the following internal table parameters.

  • Payments
    Parameter Name Data Type Decription
    PaymentDate DateTime

    Payment Date

    IsPaid bool

    Shows payment is successful or unsuccessful.
    "True" successful
    "False" unsuccessful

    OrderObjectId Guid

    Shows Order Id of payment

Subscriber Deactivate

The subscriber is got passive with "DeactivateSubscriber" method. When subscription payment date comes, not be charged. Subscribers who are passive status must be register again manually.
The following parameters are sent in the XML format to the "DeactivateSubscriber" method for deactivate subscriber.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    Token Token Class

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    SubscriberId Guid

    Subscriber Id

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    UserCode String

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay

    Pin String

    Pin value is set by NomuPay

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Output Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode Int

    Result Code. If it returns ‘0’, subscriber is got passive successfully.

    ErrorCode String

    If subscriber is not got passive, it will show error code.

    ErrorMessage String

    Shows Error Code Descriptions

Subscriber Change Price

Subscriber Change Price Service is used to change the price of subscriptions created on NomuPay.

The following parameters are sent in the XML format to the "ChangePriceBySubscriber" method of this webservice.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    ServiceType String

    Static Value: "SubscriberManagementService"

    OperationType String

    Static Value: "ChangePriceBySubscriber"

    Token Token Class

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    SubscriberId Guid

    Subscriber Id

    ValidFrom Datetime

    Expiry date. It must be submitted in the YYYYMMDD format.

    Price Double

    Subscription Price

    Description string

    Subscription Description

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    UserCode String

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay.

    Pin String

    Pin value is set by NomuPay.

Service Output Parameters

  • Output Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode Int

    Process Result 0: Process successful

    ResultCode String

    NomuPay result code.

    ResultMessage String

    ResultCode Description of Change Price.

SMS Content Delivery Service

Incoming SMSs to NomuPay are sent to merchants for companies that use SMS-Keyword Redirection.
This delivery is made via a web service which will be developed by the merchant. This web service should have a method called "ReceiveMOMessage".

The format of the developed service should be in the following URL:
The webservice address is sent to address and defined in the NomuPay system.
ReceiveMOMessage method is called by NomuPay and SMS content informations which sent by customer to 7979, will be sent to merchant webservice.
The following values are sent in the XML format to the ReceiveMOMessage method of this webservice.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    Input Input Class

    Input Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    ReceivedSMSId Guid

    SMS Id which sent to the Wİrecard from customer

    SenderGSM String

    Sender GSM nnumber

    ReceiverGSM String

    Receiver GSM number

    OriginalContent String

    SMS Content

    FixedContent String

    Updated SMS Content. New version of the original SMS content does not contain Turkish characters, is capitalized and is free from spaces.

    DateReceived DateTime

    SMS date

    GsmOperator Int

    The GSM operator to which the SMS is sent;
    ‘1’ Turkcell
    ‘7’ Vodafone
    ‘3’ AVEA

    GsmType Int

    The GSM type to which the SMS is sent;
    ‘0’ Unknown
    ‘1’ PostPaid
    ‘2’ PrePaid

  • CReceiveMOMessageOutput Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode Int

    Show Transaction Result Delivery Status
    If '0' is sent, Transaction result information is received.
    If '1' is sent, Transaction result information is not received.

    ErrorCode String

    A descriptive value is sent when there is an error "(StatusCode=1)" in the delivery of the Transaction Result information. Transaction Result information is sent empty when delivery is successful.

    ErrorMessage String

    Show Transaction Result Delivery description;
    If SMS information delivery is successful, it is sent as 'Message Received Successfully.'
    If SMS information delivery is unsuccessful, it is sent exception content or error message.

Information SMS Delivery Service

The Information SMS Delivery Service provides that free SMS messages are sent from 7979 to customer about a payment transaction by the merchant.

Information Sms Integration as SOAP service can use the following addresses:
If the merchant will use the number 7979 for sending information, the web service at is added as a reference to the project.
If the merchant will use his own short number, the web service at is added as a reference to the project.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Description

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.


    Input Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    UserCode String

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay.

    Pin String

    Pin value is set by NomuPay.

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    Gsm String

    It shows which gsm number send SMS. Should be in 5XXXXXXXXX format

    Content String

    SMS Contecnt (Turkish characters should not be used.)

    RequestGsmOperator Int

    This parameter will always be sent as '0'.

    RequestGsmType Int

    This parameter will always be sent as '0'.

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Decription
    SendSMSObjectId Guid

    SMS Id

    StatusCode Int

    Show SMS Delivery Status. If '0' is sent, SMS is sent successfully.

    ErrorCode String

    SMS delivery error code. It is sent by operator.

    ErrorMessage String

    SMs delivery error description. Description of the error code.

Transaction Result Services

The Transaction Result Service provides that the result of all transactions is sent by NomuPay to member merchants for all scenario. There are three methods for using this service:

  • The first method is to send the transaction results to an e-mail address belonging to the member business as an e-mail.
  • The second method is to prepare a web page to send the transaction results via HTTP / GET. This page is called by the NomuPay system and the necessary parameters are sent.
  • The third method is to prepare a webservice by the merchant. The method of this webservice is called by NomuPay system and transactions result is sent. The third method is the creation of a web service by the member business. The NomuPay system calls the relevant method of this web service and transmits the transaction results.

In all methods, the relevant e-mail address / page address / web service address should be reported to If the IPs to be connected to the Transaction Results Service are to be restricted for security, the IP addresses that NomuPay can use are as follows:


Email Management

Merchant Merchant_No Merchant_Name
Gsm 5XXXXXXXXX (Operator Name)
Transaction Date GG.AA.YYYY SS:DD:SS
Price XX,XX TL
Status Transaction Successful / Transaction Unsuccessful
Payment Channel Payment Channel Name
Payment Type Single Sales / Weekly Subscription / Monthly Subscription
Sold Product Product Namei
Pin (If the pin is sent, the sent pin.)
Incoming SMS SMS Content Sent by the Customer
Error Code 1000
Error Description Transaction Successful

Web Page Management

The parameters of the web page prepared by the merchant must be as follows:

This Http parameters descriptions is as follows:

state Show Payment Result
100 show successful transaction result.
Upper than 100 values show operation is unsuccessful.
order Transaction Id
gsm GSM number which the transaction was made
status Order status code. '0' shows that the order was successfully created. It does not mean that the payment is successful.
date Transaction date
errorcode Order error code. It is sent by operator. It is Payment Error Code of Order.
errormsg Order Error Description. It is an error description of error code. It is Payment Error Description of Order.
price Order Total Price
sms Shows content of the Sent SMS
category Product/Service Category of Order
saletype Payment Method:
- ‘1’ One Shot
- ‘2’ Monthly subscription (the amount will be charged automatically every month)
- ‘3’ Weekly subscription (the amount will be charged automatically every week
- ‘4’ 2 Weeks subscription
- ‘5’ 3 Months subscription
- ‘6’ 6 Months subscription
- ‘7’ monthly trial (first month no charge)
- ‘8’ weekly trial (first week no charge))
- ‘9’ 2 week trial (no charge for the first 2 weeks)
- ‘10’ 3 months trial
- ‘11’ 6 months trial
- ‘13’ 30 days
subscriber If the transaction is subscription transaction, it will show subscription id. The same SubscriberId is sent in the transactions of all periodic payments of the subscription. '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' is sent for non-subscription transactions.
operator GSM Operator of number which create order
- ‘1’ Turkcell
- ‘7’ Vodafone
- ‘3’ AVEA
- ‘4’ Credit Card
- ‘20’ TTNET
gsmtype GSM Type of number which create order
- ‘0’ UnKnown
- ‘1’ PostPaid
- ‘2’ PrePaid
productid Product Id
productdesc Product Description
mpay The ID, which was defined by merchant, was sent when starting the transaction. (MPay will not be sent in periodic payments of the subscription.)
channel Mobile Payment Transaction Channel:
- ‘100’ Pro API
- ‘101’ Basic API
- ‘102’ SMS
- ‘103’ Direct API
- ‘104’ API Plus
- ‘111’ Sunscription Renewal
- ‘121’ Refund

Mobile Web Service Management

A web service must be developed by the member business for sending the transaction results by NomuPay. This web service should have a method called "ReceiveOrderResult".

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    Input Input Class

    Input Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    OrderObjectId Guid

    Transaction Id

    GSM string

    GSM number which the transaction was made.

    MPAY string

    The ID, which was defined by merchant, was sent when starting the transaction. (MPay will not be sent in periodic payments of the subscription.)

    SMSContent string

    Sent SMS Content

    TotalPrice double

    Transaction Total Price

    TotalUnitPrice double

    Transaction Total Credit Price

    State int

    Transaction Result
    100 show successful transaction result.
    Upper than 100 values show operation is unsuccessful.

    StatusCode int

    Show Order Status Code. If '0' is sent, Order is created successfully. It does not mean that payment transaction is successful.

    ErrorCode string

    Order Error Code. It is sent by operator. It is an error code of order.

    ErrorMessage string

    Order Error description. It is a description of error code. It is an error description of order.

    PaymentDateTime DateTime

    Transaction date

    GsmOperator int

    GSM Operator of number which create order
    ‘1’ Turkcell
    ‘7’ Vodafone
    ‘3’ AVEA
    ‘4’ Credit Card

    GsmType int

    GSM Type of number which create order
    ‘0’ Unknown
    ‘1’ PostPaid
    ‘2’ PrePaid

    SubscriberId Guid

    If the transaction is subscription transaction, it will show subscription id. The same SubscriberId is sent in the transactions of all periodic payments of the subscription.

    Products CSaleProduct

    CSaleProduct Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    OrderChannelId int

    Mobile Payment Transaction Channel:
    ‘100’ Pro API
    ‘101’ Basic API
    ‘102’ SMS
    ‘103’ Direct API
    ‘104’ API Plus
    ‘111’ Subscription renewal
    ‘121’ Refund
    ‘123’ Product Payment

    PaymentTypeId int

    Payment Method:
    ‘1’ One Shot
    ‘2’ Monthly subscription (the amount will be charged automatically every month)
    ‘3’ Weekly subscription (the amount will be charged automatically every week
    ‘4’ 2 Weeks subscription
    ‘5’ 3 Months subscription
    ‘6’ 6 Months subscription
    ‘7’ monthly trial (first month no charge)
    ‘8’ weekly trial (first week no charge))
    ‘9’ 2 week trial (no charge for the first 2 weeks)
    ‘10’ 3 months trial
    ‘11’ 6 months trial
    ‘13’ 30 days
    ‘18’ Yearly subscription

    PaymentCategoryId int

    Order Category:
    '1' Physical Product
    '2' Game
    '3' Digital Content
    '4' Service
    '5' Social Network / Friendship
    '6' Dues / Automat
    '7' Bet
    '8' Insurance
    '10' Public - Ticket - Fastfood
    '11' Pocket Insurance
    '12' Box Game
    '14' Mobile Application / Mobile Market
    '15' Education
    '16' Donation
    '19' Health
    '20' White Label Adult

    Pin string

    Shows the PIN value sent to the user if pin is used.

  • CSaleProduct Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    ProductId int

    Should always be sent '0'.

    ProductCategory int

    Product/Service Category of Order:

    • '1' Physical Product
    • '2' Game
    • '3' Digital Content
    • '4' Service
    • '5' Social Network / Friendship
    • '6' Dues / Automat
    • '7' Bet
    • '8' Insurance
    • '10' Public - Ticket - Fastfood
    • '11' Pocket Insurance
    • '12' Box Game
    • '14' Mobile Application / Mobile Market
    • '15' Education
    • '16' Donation (only Turkcell subscriptions can make donation payments)
    • '19' Health
    • '20' White Label Adult

    ProductDescription string

    Product Description

    BasePrice double

    Product Price

    BaseUnitPrice double

    Product Credit Price

    Unit int

    Product Amount

  • CReceiveOrderResultOutput Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode int

    Show Transaction Result Delivery Status
    If '0' is sent, Transaction result information is received.
    If '1' is sent, Transaction result information is not received.

    ErrorCode string

    A descriptive value is sent when there is an error "(StatusCode=1)" in the delivery of the Transaction Result information. Transaction Result information is sent empty when delivery is successful.

    ErrorMessage string

    Show Transaction Result Delivery description;
    If SMS information delivery is successful, it is sent as 'Message Received Successfully.'
    If SMS information delivery is unsuccessful, it is sent exception content or error message.

Web Page Management

The parameters of the web page prepared by the merchant must be as follows:
Copy        ?subscriptionid=a6fb0e3c-e30c-4ace-8ffe-b03d492ba7f1


This Http parameters descriptions is as follows:

gsmoperator Operator of subscriber
Values should be Turkcell, AVEA, VodafoneMobilePayment
subscriptionid Subscription unique id which created by NomuPay
msisdn Phone number/credit card of Subscription
createdate Subscription create date
enddate Subscription expiration date
productid If a product-based subscription scenario is used, it is unique product id on the NomuPay System.
price Subscription Price

Order Result Service Management

Order Result Service(ORS) is used as a notification bridge between NomuPay and the merchant.
ORS allows NomuPay to share details regarding most of the credit card operations with the merchant via a SOAP based web service. This web service should be prepared by the merchant according to the standards which are specified by NomuPay.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters to Send in the Service
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    Input Input Class

    Input Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    StatusCode Int Yes

    Result of the transaction
    0 Transaction is successful
    1 Transaction is not successful

    ResultCode String No

    NomuPay result code of the payment transaction

    ResultMessage String No

    Description of the NomuPay result code

    OrderId String Yes

    Unique id of the payment transaction
    This value is set automatically by NomuPay services.

    MPAY String No

    Free parameter
    If free parameter is sent in payment transaction request, this value will return it.

    Price Double Yes

    Amount which is charged
    This parameter will return the real price. E.g. 1,10 will be returned as 1.10

    Transaction Date Datetime No

    Date and time of the payment transaction

    ServiceTypeCode String No

    ServiceType of the transaction(For sales and return services)
    E.g. for CCProxy/Sale, this value will be ‘CCProxy’
    For example: For “WDRefund Service / Refund Payment, type Payment WDRefundService.

    TransactionTypeCode String No

    ServiceType of the transaction(For sales and return services)
    E.g. for CCProxy/Sale, this transactiom will be ‘Sale’
    For example: For “WDRefund Service / Refund Payment, type transaction "RefundPayment".

    ExtraParam String No

    Parameter which is used in order to trigger additional options for operations
    Will be empty

  • ReceiveTransactionResultResult Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode int

    Result of the ORS request
    If '0' is sent, Transaction result information is received.
    If '1' is sent, Transaction result information is not received.

    ResultCode string

    Optional result code value which is set by merchant

    ResultMessage string

    Optional result description which is set by merchant

Transaction Query

Transaction Query provide the customers to query the transactions in the system in one step with "Order Number" or "MPAY".

Transaction Query With Order Id

Transaction Query With Order Id, provide you to query transaction with "Order Id" which created by NomuPay as a result of the transactions performed on your system.

The web service at > is added as a reference to the project.
The order can be queried, by sending Token informations and Order Id to GetSaleResult method in the web service.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    Token Token Class Yes

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    OrderId Guid Yes

    Unique value value is set by NomuPay for transaction

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    UserCode String Yes

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay

    Pin String Yes

    Pin value is set by NomuPay

Service Output Parameeters

  • Service Output Parameeters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    OrderObjectId Guid

    Order ID. Used to query the result of the transaction.

    Gsm String

    Telephone number which will be charged. (5XXXXXXXXX format)

    GsmOperator Int

    Should always be sent '0'. Look at the next clause for find which operator is being processed.

    GsmType Int

    Should always be sent '0'. Look at the next clause for learn to if the operator line is postpaid or prepaid.

    State Int

    Process Status. This value is not final. Look at the next clause for learn to result.
    Values less than 100 shows that payment continues.
    Values 100 payment is successful.
    A value greater than 100 shows that the payment is unsuccessful.

    OrderChannelId Int

    ‘100’ Pro API
    ‘101’ Basic API
    ‘102’ SMS
    ‘103’ Direct API
    ‘104’ API Plus
    ‘111’ Subscription renewal
    ‘121’ Refund
    ‘123’ Product Payment

    PaymentCategoryId Int

    Product/Service Category of Order:

    • '1' Physical Product
    • '2' Game
    • '3' Digital Content
    • '4' Service
    • '5' Social Network / Friendship
    • '6' Dues / Automat
    • '7' Bet
    • '8' Insurance
    • '10' Public - Ticket - Fastfood
    • '11' Pocket Insurance
    • '12' Box Game
    • '14' Mobile Application / Mobile Market
    • '15' Education
    • '16' Donation (only Turkcell subscriptions can make donation payments)
    • '19' Health
    • '20' White Label Adult

    LastTransactionDate DateTime

    Date of the payment transaction.

    MPAY String

    Merchant defined value.

    SubscriberId Guid

    This value will be returned empty. If the transaction is a subscription ,the method is used to find the subcription Id in the next clause.

    PIN String

    This value will be returned empty. If the transaction is pin-scenario, the method is used to find the PIN value sent to the user in the next clause.

    MicroPaymentResults List

    These parameters will be blank because the process has not been completed. MMicroPaymentOutput represents the list that contains the elements. The parameters of MMicroPaymentOutput are described in the following internal table.

    StatusCode Int

    Shows the order status code. If it returns '0', it shows that the order has started successfully. It does not mean that the payment is successful.

    ErrorCode String

    Shows the order error code. It is sent by the operator. It is an error code about order payment.

    ErrorMessage String

    Shows the order error description. Description of the error code.

  • MMicroPaymentOutput Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type
    PaymentObjectId Guid
    StatusCode Int
    ErrorCode String
    ErrorMessage String
    ExtraData String

Transaction Query With MPAY

Transaction Query With MPAY, provide you to query transaction with MPAY which created by your system.

The web service at > is added as a reference to the project.
The order can be queried, by sending Token informations and Order Id to GetSaleResultMPAY method in the web service.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    Token Token Class Yes

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    MPAY String No

    It shows MPAY value which created by company during the transaction.

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    UserCode String Yes

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay

    Pin String Yes

    Pin value is set by NomuPay

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    OrderObjectId Guid

    Order ID. Used to query the result of the transaction.

    GsmOperator Int

    Should always be sent '0'. Look at the next clause for find which operator is being processed.

    GsmType Int

    Should always be sent '0'. Look at the next clause for learn to if the operator line is postpaid or prepaid.

    State Int

    Process Status. This value is not final. Look at the next clause for learn to result.
    Values less than 100 shows that payment continues.
    Values 100 payment is successful.
    A value greater than 100 shows that the payment is unsuccessful.

    OrderChannelId Int

    Should always be sent '104'.

    PaymentCategoryId Int

    Product/Service Category of Order:

    • '1' Physical Product
    • '2' Game
    • '3' Digital Content
    • '4' Service
    • '5' Social Network / Friendship
    • '6' Dues / Automat
    • '7' Bet
    • '8' Insurance
    • '10' Public - Ticket - Fastfood
    • '11' Pocket Insurance
    • '12' Box Game
    • '14' Mobile Application / Mobile Market
    • '15' Education
    • '16' Donation (only Turkcell subscriptions can make donation payments)
    • '19' Health
    • '20' White Label Adult

    LastTransactionDate DateTime

    Date of the payment transaction.

    MPAY String

    Merchant defined value.

    SubscriberId Guid

    This value will be returned empty. If the transaction is a subscription ,the method is used to find the subcription Id in the next clause.

    PIN String

    This value will be returned empty. If the transaction is pin-scenario, the method is used to find the PIN value sent to the user in the next clause.

    MicroPaymentResults List

    These parameters will be blank because the process has not been completed. MMicroPaymentOutput represents the list that contains the elements. The parameters of MMicroPaymentOutput are described in the following internal table.

    StatusCode Int

    Shows the order status code. If it returns '0', it shows that the order has started successfully. It does not mean that the payment is successful.

    ErrorCode String

    Shows the order error code. It is sent by the operator. It is an error code about order payment.

    ErrorMessage String

    Shows the order error description. Description of the error code.

  • MMicroPaymentOutput Infomations
    Parameter Name Data Type
    PaymentObjectId Guid
    StatusCode Int
    ErrorCode String
    ErrorMessage String
    ExtraData String

Web Service Management

A web service must be developed by the member business for sending the transaction results by NomuPay. This web service should have a method called "SubscriptionDeactivation".

ServiceInput Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    SubscriptionId Guid

    Subscription unique id which created by NomuPay

    GSM string

    Phone number/credit card of Subscription

    GSMOperator string

    Operator of subscriber

    CreateDate dateTime

    Subscription create date

    EndDate datetime

    Subscription expiration date

    ProductId int

    If a product-based subscription scenario is used, it is unique product id on the NomuPay System.

    Price int

    Subscription Price

Refund Service

Return service is a service that will be used when a payment charged via NomuPay is requested to be refunded. The refund request is sent using OrderObjectId or MPAY values. If two values are sent full, OrderObjectId is prioritized.

Refund Service, input information for Restful Service should be prepared in XML format and sent the following address with Post method.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    ServiceType string

    Static Value: "WDRefundService"

    OperationType string

    Static Valuer: "RefundPayment"

    Token Token Class

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    MPAY string

    This value which is defined by the merchant, is used when the transaction is started. Values can be Order Ir or user id in the system.

    OrderObjectId Guid

    Order Id of Payment. This value is sent to your as the result of the transaction.

    Description string

    Refund Description. This field can be sent empty.

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    UserCode String

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay.

    Pin string

    Pin value is set by NomuPay.

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode Int

    Process Result
    0: Request successful
    1: Request unsuccessful

    ResultCode String

    NomuPay result code of the refund transaction

    ResultMessage String

    ResultCode Description of Refund Transaction

Card Storage Service

The card storage service is the service used for keep the sent Credit Card information encrypted.

Card Storage Service, input information for Restful Service should be prepared in XML format and sent the following address with Post method.

Card Storage with Url Method

Credit card storage transaction service call is initiated by Card Storage with URL Method and the end user is directed to the NomuPay page in response to this call. On the directed NomuPay page, the user completes the card storage transaction by entering the credit card information.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    ServiceType string Yes

    Static value: "WDTicket"

    OperationType string Yes

    Static value: "TokenizeCCURL"

    Token Token Class Yes

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    ErrorURL string Yes

    The end user will redirect to the URL after a failed credit card record transaction

    SuccessURL string Yes

    The end user will redirect to the URL after a successful credit card record transaction

    CustomerId string No

    This field is used for communicating between the values you want with your credit card. Payment by credit card can be sent for payment by credit card, order number or blank.

    IPAddress string Yes

    IP Address of the transaction owner

    ValidityPeriod string Yes

    Validation of tokenized encrypted card

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    UserCode String Yes

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay

    Pin String Yes

    Pin value is set by NomuPay

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode int

    Process Result
    0: Process successful
    1: Process unsuccessful

    ResultCode string

    NomuPay result code

    ResultMessage string

    NomuPay result description

    RedirectUrl string

    The end user will redirect to NomuPay Page for credit card recod transaction

Direct Card Storage Method

With direct card storage method, credit card information is entered by the form which prepared by merchant and service call is started. The end user is not redirected to any page.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    ServiceType string Yes

    Static Value: "TokenizeCC"

    OperationType string Yes

    Static Value: "TokenizeCC"

    Token Token Class Yes

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    CreditCardNumber string Yes

    Credit Card Number. Should be in ‘5400XXXXXXXXXXXX’ format

    NameSurname string Yes

    Name which is on the credit card. Should be in ‘John Doe’ or ‘JOHN DOE’ format

    ExpiryDate int Yes

    Credit Card expiration date.Should be in ‘11/2017’ format

    CVV int Yes

    Credit card cvv.

    CustomerId string No

    This field is used for communicating between the values you want with your credit card. Payment by credit card can be sent for payment by credit card, order number or blank.

    IPAddress string Yes

    IP Address of the transaction owner

    ValidityPeriod string Yes

    Validation of tokenized encrypted card

    Port string Yes

    Port value of transaction owner

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    UserCode String Yes

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay.

    Pin String Yes

    Pin value is set by NomuPay.

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode int

    Process Result
    0: Process successful
    1: Process unsuccessful

    ResultCode string

    NomuPay result code

    ResultMessage string

    NomuPay result description

    TokenId string

    The value sent by the NomuPay as the result of the operation

    CVV int

    Credit Card CVV

    CustomerId string

    Value set by NomuPay for the customer

    MaskedCreditCardNumber string

    Masked credit card value

BIN Query Service

You can find out the features of your credit card using our inquiry service.

The information required for the BIN Query Service RESTful Service should be prepared in XML format and sent to the following address via the Post method.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Parameters In Service
    Parameter Name Description

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.


    Input Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    ServiceType string Yes

    Static Value: "MerchantQueries"

    OperationType string Yes

    Static Value: "BinQueryOperation"

    Token Token Class Yes

    Token Informations. The following internal table describes the internal parameters.

    Bin string Yes

    First 6 digits of your credit card number

  • Token Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Mandatory Description
    UserCode String Yes

    Merchant value is set by NomuPay

    Pin String Yes

    Pin value is set by NomuPay

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode int

    Transaction Result
    0: Transaction Successfuly
    1: Transaction Unsuccessfuly

    InstallmentEnabled string

    True:Installment is authorized
    False:Installment is unauthorized

    CardType string

    Card Type

    IsCorporate Boolean

    False: Not Business Card
    True: Business Card

    IsVirtual Boolean

    True: Virtual Card
    False: Not Virtual Card

    Network string

    MC/Visa Info:Mastercard/Amex/Visa/Troy

    BankCode Int

    Bank code of card

    BankName String

    Bank name of card

Payment Notification Service

The Web Service Format must be as specified in the following URL.
Web service URL address and defined in the NomuPay system.
The following values ​​should be submitted in XML format to the "SendPaymentNotification" method of this service.

Service Input Parameters

  • Input Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    PaymentStartDate Datetime

    Payment start date

    PaymentEndDate Datetime

    Payment end date

    TotalPaidAmount Double

    Total amount paid to the Partner within the relevant payment date range

    OrderPayments OrderPayment

    Payment information on Order basis. The details in the Order Payments table are explained.

    OrderPayment Informations
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    OrderObjectID Guid

    Specifies the Process ID.

    MPAY String

    Id defined by the merchant's when starting the transaction

    TransactionDate Datetime

    Transaction Date

    OrderAmount Double

    Transaction Amount

    OwnerPartnerID Int

    Owner PartnerID (Head Id information for Marketplace structure)

    OwnerSubpartnerId Int

    Owner SubPartnerId Information (Marketplace structure) otherwise a null value must be sent.

    TransactionTypeCode String

    The type of service where the transaction occurred. (For sales and refund services)
    Example: “CCProxy/Sale” for the process should be "Sale".
    Example: “WDRefundService/ RefundPayment” for the process should be “RefundPayment“.

    PaymentReceiverId Int

    Payment received by the Partner Id

    ReleaseTime datetime

    Filled revenue for Marketplace setup.Release time information of the transaction.

    ParentId String

    In the case of refund transactions, which process id is refunded according to the information.

    ServiceId String

    Mobile payment comes full in fiction.UIA's relevant serviceId information.

    Towhom String

    It is the knowledge of whom the payment is made.

    Ordertype String

    Which fiction is the process of payment (Mobile payment, virtual pos distinction)

    PaymentDate Datetime

    Date of payment

    PaidAmount Double

    Paid Amount

Service Output Parameters

  • Service Output Parameters
    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    StatusCode Int

    Process Result information indicates the transmission status.
    ‘0’ if is sent indicates that the transaction has received the result information.
    ‘1’ if is sent process indicates that no result information has been received.

    ResultCode String

    Optional result code set by member merchant

    ResultMessage String

    Transaction result message determined by the member merchant

Mobile Payment Product Scenairo

Using the URL given above, please login with the username and password transmitted by NomuPay via mail. You can click on theProducts link in the Information tab in the drop-down panel to be able to add items, update the contents of the product, delete the product, see the product details.

Örnek Resim

  1. If you want to add products, follow the steps below in order. Click on the +Add New button as you can see on the left side of the popup window.

    Örnek Resim

    Örnek Resim

    If you want to make a one-time transaction for the mentioned product, you have to choose the Unique Product in the Sales Type section.If you choose a unique product, you will need to enter the ID that applies to the unique sales type of WDServiceId. If you want to create subscription to the mentioned product, you have to select the desired Subscription values (such as monthly, weekly etc.) in the Sales Type section.If you select the subscription sales method, you need to write the ID that is valid for WDServiceId value subscription transactions.

    Örnek Resim
    As you can see in the picture, fill out the product information form, corresponding to the blank fields, as you would like to see the contents of the product. The important point to note here is that the value of TurkcellServiceID in the documentation, which is transmitted via mail when it is in the integration phase of your company by NomuPay is defined as the value of WDServiceId. Your service value is different for one-time transactions and subscription transactions. For this reason, if you do not know your service values, you can contact NomuPay.

  2. If you want to edit the product information, follow the steps below.

    Örnek Resim

    Örnek Resim

    As you can see in the picture above, you can rearrange the contents of the product by clicking on the Edit Product Information on the left side by entering the detail of the product you want to correct its content.The WDServiceId value mentioned in the appending section is an important consideration in this section. For example:
    If your product was previously used for Unique Sale transactions but you want to set it up for a subscription, or if your product was previously used for subscription operations, but you want to set it up for a Unique Sale transaction, you need to reorder the Sales Type field and the WDServiceId value.
    Note:If a product defined for subscription operation is requested to perform a Unique Sale transaction, users who have a subscription to that product will receive an error for the next month's operation. You can provide subscription cancellations.

  3. If you want to delete/remove the product, click on the delete icon as you can see in the picture.

    Örnek Resim
    *Changes to products are in the process of approval if you add products, edit product information, and process them at the product deletion stages. After the approval process, you can see the changes made to the products.

Hash Structure

In the success URL and error URL that the end user is directed to, the page is prepared with a hidden field structure which can post the following parameters.
Then, via post method on this page; token, masked card information, hash param, and other parameters that we specify in the document are returned.
You must create the HashParam for yourself within the rules specified and compare it with the value returned in our hidden field. If true, the operation can continue, if it is incorrect, this operation is insecure and may have come from outside the NomuPay, you should not accept this post.
When the Hash param is being generated, certain parameters must be written side-by-side in a specific order, and the HashKey specially defined for the partner must also be encoded in the base64 version according to the sha1 algorithm.

Service Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
OrderId Guid

The unique id that occurs when the process starts.
If the order does not occur, the hasparam value will be displayed. All letters of order must be small by NomuPay.

MPAY String

The transaction ID value the partner sends when initiating the transaction.

StatusCode Int

When the status code is 0, it is successful. If the approve payment method is used at the time of the transaction, the status code 10 value is successful. In all the remaining cases it is unsuccessful.

ResultCode String

Error Code

ResultMessage String

Error Message

ExtraParam String

Extra Field

TokenId String

Token value of registered card


LastTransactionDate by NomuPay "yyyyMMddHHmmss" format.

MaskedCCNo String

Masked card information

SubscriberId Guid

The subscription is the transaction id.

CCTokenId Guid

When adding a card during the transaction, the cctoken id field is full.

Hash Calculator

With this tool, you can instantly create hash(tokens) by concatenating your data so that you can compare token knowledge that you created in your own integration.

Sample Service Request Codes